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Old 04-05-2015, 12:49 PM   #61
Adamz Ghia
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Gotta learn to read Zilo...

I'm normally passive on the roads. If someone wants in and they're a bit ahead of me I let them in, just makes things easier, especially if they give plenty of blinker notice. I'm comfortable enough with myself as a man to let someone in front...

The ones I really hate are the ones who are already half way between lanes before they indicate...
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Old 04-05-2015, 03:42 PM   #62
malazn mafia
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

That's what horsepower and big brakes are for. Never had an issue with any lady being able to outaccelerate or outbrake the GT to stop me from merging. ^^
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Old 04-05-2015, 05:01 PM   #63
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by tonys6550 View Post
No mate, It was heading down Great Eastern Highway, heading into Perth city. I needed to get into the right hand lane because I needed to go north on Tonkin Highway. You need to get into the right hand lane before the airport turnoff if you want to turn right onto Tonkin Highway, hence why I needed to get into the right hand lane way back where I tried. Those In Perth will know what I'm talking about.
From my vague recollection of those roads from one visit to Perth, it wouldn't by any chance have been an 80 km/h+ road? If so, under the road rules you need to keep left unless overtaking. In which case she shouldn't have been in the right lane.

I'm inclined towards the pilot fish explanation. So many people driving nowadays who are in other worlds as they drive.
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Old 04-05-2015, 05:15 PM   #64
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by ebv8 View Post
she might have been bored and just wanted to play games.

i play chicken in my street sometimes, its a 50km zone and there is a 90deg bend and cars always go over the white lines so i hug the line forcing them to move over, yesterday a green FG XR6 had all 4 wheels in my lane so i hugged the line to be a ***** and he swerved so hard i thought he hit the gutter on the other side of the road, i was hoping to have cleaned his mirror up on my bullbar at least but missed it just.
maybe the other car will do 50kmh and stay in his own lane from now on
p.s. girl was killed 12 months ago on that bend when her friend lost control and hit a telegraph pole.
You play stupid games like this? :
Ya don't slow down as you get older ... you just enjoy taking longer to do it ... better!
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Old 04-05-2015, 05:16 PM   #65
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by noflac52 View Post
Plenty of examples of passive aggressive idiots in cars making it hard for everyone in this thread!

There are two things the "I'll stop you from changing lanes brigade" miss. It doesn't matter whether there are marked lanes or no lanes at all.

1. Menacing driving is a major offence

2. The regulation that it is every drivers responsibility to drive in a manner that does not cause a situation that may result in an accident.

Both of these trump the dotted line or no dotted line argument.

The pigheaded driver who speeds up and slows down to prevent someone changing lanes or merging is driving in a manner that contravenes both.
If I've told you one, I've told you twice. No common sense or courtesy allowed in this thread. It's just so obvious it's everyone else's problem, Im ok so that all that matters. I don't have to show any courtesy because legally Im in the right, I dont have to show any moral grace to anyone but me, me, me because nobody else will so why should I? How dare you insinuate I show compassion to anyone else on the road, doesn't everyone realize I'M the MOST important person the road and everyone needs to give way for me alone?!?!?!

/end sarcasm.

You are indeed on the money there.

On a serious note, I am so glad I work from home now. Driving into the city on the odd occasion just stirs up so much frustration I previously buried that it's hard to be calm. I feel for those having to deal with ego driven twat behaviour on a daily basis now.
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Old 04-05-2015, 05:54 PM   #66
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

i feel sorry, for op. its seems the woman was up to something or stupid? or what ever.
Sydney traffic is a shocker imo. i drove in it for years, but i found a solution for me, get a fast road bike!. you can lane split and save tons of time. with a fast road bike you can overtake in a fraction of time. well it worked out good for me.
but thats city traffic for you, get used to it.
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Old 04-05-2015, 06:12 PM   #67
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

I'm reminded of the old lady I followed some months back who would drive between 80 and 90 on the highway through long stretches where you weren't allowed to overtake, and when an overtaking lane came up she would immediately speed up to 100 and not let anyone past, then slow back to 80 to 90 after the overtaking lanes ended.
One her back window she had a large vinyl letter sticker that said something like "100kph...it's the LIMIT, not a REQUIREMENT"...

Obviously there's a lot of people on a mission out on the highways these days...
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Old 04-05-2015, 06:14 PM   #68
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Pis-ton broke View Post
i feel sorry, for op. its seems the woman was up to something or stupid? or what ever.
Sydney traffic is a shocker imo. i drove in it for years, but i found a solution for me, get a fast road bike!. you can lane split and save tons of time. with a fast road bike you can overtake in a fraction of time. well it worked out good for me.
but thats city traffic for you, get used to it.
You should try Rockhampton or worse...Mackay.......have Ya headin for the psych unit.
Ya don't slow down as you get older ... you just enjoy taking longer to do it ... better!
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:59 PM   #69
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by KenW View Post
What really gets my goat is when you are driving in a truck (B double) doing 100 km/h and some plonker in front of you is doing 80-90 km/h forcing you to slow down but when they get to a overtaking lane speed up to prevent you from overtaking then when it ends slow back down.
I don't drive a B-double, but that's EXACTLY what I find on the highway.
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Old 04-05-2015, 08:06 PM   #70
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by ebv8 View Post
she might have been bored and just wanted to play games.

i play chicken in my street sometimes, its a 50km zone and there is a 90deg bend and cars always go over the white lines so i hug the line forcing them to move over, yesterday a green FG XR6 had all 4 wheels in my lane so i hugged the line to be a ***** and he swerved so hard i thought he hit the gutter on the other side of the road, i was hoping to have cleaned his mirror up on my bullbar at least but missed it just.
maybe the other car will do 50kmh and stay in his own lane from now on
p.s. girl was killed 12 months ago on that bend when her friend lost control and hit a telegraph pole.
Don't be surprised when some one puts all your teeth down your throat one day!
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Old 04-05-2015, 08:19 PM   #71
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

There's plenty of drivers with numerous bad habits.

I always enjoy those moments when I've chosen to chill out in the left lane & just let the chaos ensue as others battle for 1'st place !!!

Like the ones who insist on riding my tail when I'm already at 115kph, I move left & watch happily as they ride up the next caboose!

People do the same thing the world over. We've all....seen it all.
Ultimately you just need to watch out for number one & if you display courtesy at the same time, even better.

"I don't care how you drive, just let me get home alive"
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Old 04-05-2015, 08:38 PM   #72
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
On a serious note, I am so glad I work from home now. Driving into the city on the odd occasion just stirs up so much frustration I previously buried that it's hard to be calm. I feel for those having to deal with ego driven twat behaviour on a daily basis now.
Same here. I notice when I'm driving now I just potter along. When I was doing the daily commute it changes your driving attitude.
I love Holdens....
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Old 04-05-2015, 08:45 PM   #73
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by trublu View Post
Don't be surprised when some one puts all your teeth down your throat one day!
Bring it on brother!
I can't stand fwits that think they own the road.
If your the tatted up hard man that does 80kmh In a 50 zone across the road from a park with kids i'd happily swallow some teeth to put you behind bars for a few weeks.
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:06 PM   #74
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I drive into the city every day & don't usually have any problems & I come across a few trucks & bdoubles, etc on Princess Hwy, Queens Road, etc as they are usually going that way for the West Gate bridge. I will go beside them, behind them but I will NEVER cut in front of them as I know how hard it is for the poor buggers to pull up, especially on a wet road. Well, bugger me, this thing the size of an ant (some little car smaller than a smart car) gets in front of the poor b double next to me as the lights were turning yellow. Then, he can't decide if he is going to go through or not! Poor truck man! he had to slam the brakes on & his back trailer ended up sliding to the side & gets my back quarter panel & breaks my drivers mirror. It broke a lot of times, that back trailer had a lot of wheels. Anyway, I was ok, he pulls up further up, and the poor man was in shock I think.... Now it's funny actually, he froze as he said he thought he had killed me. I felt so sorry for him. He thought I was mad because I said, come on, let's breathe 123, etc. Exchanged details & I told him, whichever one of us catches up to the guy who did end up taking off through the red lights, hold on to him so the other could knock his block off!

So glad I rang his boss & told him what had happened & specifically mentioned it wasn't his fault, because I'm pretty sure these guys can lose their jobs over something like this.

Had a new mirror in 24 hrs, & the boys at ford did the panel work (lucky it was just a scrape) within the week.

But this is the thing, everyone goes on about trucks & semi trailers etc. I think the small cars are more scary.
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:08 PM   #75
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by ebv8 View Post
she might have been bored and just wanted to play games.

i play chicken in my street sometimes, its a 50km zone and there is a 90deg bend and cars always go over the white lines so i hug the line forcing them to move over, yesterday a green FG XR6 had all 4 wheels in my lane so i hugged the line to be a ***** and he swerved so hard i thought he hit the gutter on the other side of the road, i was hoping to have cleaned his mirror up on my bullbar at least but missed it just.
maybe the other car will do 50kmh and stay in his own lane from now on
p.s. girl was killed 12 months ago on that bend when her friend lost control and hit a telegraph pole.

Maybe the other car you force off the road could have young kids in it too, Have you thought that through?
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:14 PM   #76
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Bill M View Post
Maybe the other car you force off the road could have young kids in it too, Have you thought that through?

Hmmm how true is that!
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:17 PM   #77
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by ebv8 View Post
Bring it on brother!
I can't stand fwits that think they own the road.
If your the tatted up hard man that does 80kmh In a 50 zone across the road from a park with kids i'd happily swallow some teeth to put you behind bars for a few weeks.
Two wrongs don't make a right, playing chicken would have to be the dumbest thing anyone can do, your no better than the fools you complaining about.
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:19 PM   #78
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So holding my line on my side of the road is forcing a car that is in my lane off the road?? Well I'm guilty sorry.
Anyway off subject from OP's post and I'm getting upset now ��
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:37 PM   #79
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I remember I was always taught it's best to avoid an accident, even if you're in the right.
Currently no V8 in the garage!
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:05 PM   #80
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Since you live in perth tony you should already know that perth drivers are well known to be the worst anywhere,learn to drive defensively and make your own space,until then the idiots own you...
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:30 PM   #81
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by GTP534 View Post
I remember I was always taught it's best to avoid an accident, even if you're in the right.
That's what I seen on TV some total fool with a in car camera complaining that some goose swiped in on him, the goose never even tried to avoid the idiot, no swerving to miss or any braking.
Boy it's the big city you got to watch out for idiots for crying out loud, that's just the way it is.

Volvo drivers, some of them it's true they are
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:10 PM   #82
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by GTP534 View Post
I remember I was always taught it's best to avoid an accident, even if you're in the right.
Common sense i say.
If im in the right which is most of the time i would never sacrifice any of my cars to prove a point to a rubbish driver...
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Old 05-05-2015, 06:12 AM   #83
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

This has well run it's course now thanks.


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